Pet Spays & Neuters In Onalaska

The terms spay and neuter refer to the surgical sterilization of an animal. Spaying involves removing the uterus and ovaries of a female animal, and neutering removes the testicles of a male animal
According to the ASPCA, animals who have been spayed or neutered are typically less aggressive since their instinct to mate has been eliminated. Many unwanted behaviors such as fighting, roaming, spraying, and crying will go away after surgery, and most pets become even more affectionate to their owners.
Spaying females prevents breast cancer and eliminates both uterine infections and cancer. For males, neutering reduces the chance of testicular cancer and prostate problems. Studies have even shown that pets who have been spayed or neutered live 18-23% longer than their un-neutered or non-spayed counterparts.
Dr. Azene is a professional veterinarian who has performed hundreds of spay & neuter operations. To schedule this minimally invasive procedure for your pet please give us a call at (608) 668-6777 today!